
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Spice Nerds

Yesterday mom and dad took me to some of our favorite shops around the
KC area. We started out at Penzy's Spices where mom sat in the corner
and knitted and dad and I smelled every spice in the store.

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I've got a lot of stuff I want to finish before the end of the year, but I took a few minutes the other night to set up our tiny tree complete with newly made tree skirt.

Hank promptly sniffed and swatted at it. Can't you see it in her eyes, that tree is a gonner. Luckily, almost all of the ornaments on the tree are the felt ornaments I made last year and red snowflakes my mom gave me last year that she crocheted to match the ones she made years ago when she and my dad didn't have money for Christmas ornaments. Sweet, huh?

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas outside as well. We got hit with about 6 inches of snow over the last week and I don't think it is going anywhere for a while.

I mentioned last post that my CSA is over but I did get an e-mail from them this week announcing that a great local farm had lost their lease on their meat locker. This is unfortunate for them, but great for me since it meant that they had to sell off a huge amount of meat very quickly. So I bought ten pounds of locally produced, pasture raised, organic meat for $40. So I bought pork stew meat for posole, beef stew meat for, uh, beef stew, bologna because I don't like bologna but I want to try really good bologna, bacon because it is awesome, short ribs for braising, and fresh chorizo. Sweet deal and I got to go back out to Tait Farms one more time. They are gearing up for Christmas tree cutting season.

Back soon (I know I keep promising that).

p.s. Notice how the sun is setting over the mountains in that photo? That was taken at 3:30 in the afternoon.