
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happiness Project: Sleep

I'll be honest.  I really didn't want this to work.  I was hoping that eight hours of sleep every night wouldn't make me feel any sharper and then I could go back to my sixish hours without guilt. But I was wrong.  It took a couple weeks and a lot of nights where I didn't quite get the full 8 hours, but this past week I finally felt like I was humming on all six cylinders.  Things seemed easier, challenges had clear solutions, and I was excited about projects that were feeling like a burden.  I hate that I have to sleep (Hank has a different opinion), but it does make the awake part better.  If you are a chronic under-sleeper and there is anyway to sneak in a bit more time, I recommend you do it.  I'm sure I'll still have to pull the occasional up until 3am work night, but I'm so much more productive, I suspect it will happen less.

While keeping up with my sleep cycle, my goal for May is to get my finances in order by automating those last few bills I actually pay by hand each month, double checking all of our bills to get the lowest possible rates, and then reconfiguring our budget to pay for some travel we are hoping to do later in the year.  All things that I've been wanting to do but procrastinate on.  Now you all can hold me accountable (pun intended).