
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Take a Shot Tuesday: Magnet Maniac

On this Take a Shot Tuesday I thought I would share with you all my magnet collection. Many of you may be tangentially aware of this collection because you travel to meetings with me. This collection is very narrow in scope – I only, only buy magnets when I’m traveling for work. I’ve never bought cheesy magnets when traveling for fun (nor do I want to start doing so because it would result in way too many magnets). It all started with a weird viking magnet that I found in Lindsborg when I was traveling with my undergrad lab to collect some samples among the Mennonite of central Kansas. This magnet cracked me up so much it spawned an entire collection. So now when I travel for work, I try to find the tackiest magnet I can (airports are fantastic for this). Here is my collection so far (I label them on the back for easy reference:

1. 2004 Sampling near Lindsborg - the one that started it all
2. 2004 San Antonio Genotyping - because few things say Texas like an armadillo
3. 2005 AAPA Meetings Milwaukee- I knew I wanted a big mug of beer, and that was the first one I saw
4. 2006 Sampling Trip Brasilia - surprisingly few options in Brazil
5. 2007 AAPA Meetings Philadelphia - this thing is so heavy it barely stays on the fridge
6. 2008 ASHG Meetings Philadelphia - two in a row, this was harder, but I had to go Rocky
7. 2009 AAPA Meetings Chicago - I LOVE this one
8. 2009 ASHG Meetings Honolulu - plenty of tacky options in the gift shop in our hotel
9. 2010 AAPA Meetings Albuquerque - this came from the Walgreen's near my hotel along with jalapeno peanut brittle I gave Geoff as a present
10. 2010 Sampling Trip Atlanta - the bejeweled peach is exactly what I wanted


  1. I got Kaity a little Viking at the same shop in Lindsborg. I usually try to buy a skein of vacation yarn when I travel, but had no luck in Albuquerque. :(

  2. I got Kaity a little Viking at that same shop in Lindsborg. I usually try to get a skein of vacation yarn when I travel, but had no luck in Albuquerque. :(

  3. I like the skein of yarn idea! Although right now I am trying (somewhat in vain) to decrease my stash, not increase it!

  4. Me, too, though I tell myself that sock yarn doesn't count. ;-) Besides, I've gotten to knit for approximately 3 hours in the last 9 months, I have to live vicariously for the time being.

  5. Me, too, though I tell myself that sock yarn doesn't count. Besides, I've knit approximately 3 hours in the last 9 months. I have to live vicariously through stash enhancement.
