
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

To the Land of Prince and Posters

Last Wednesday I got up too early and took off for Minneapolis to attend the annual conference of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.  I presented a poster based on the final results of my dissertation research.

I added a qr (quick response) code to my poster.  With the proper app on your smart phone, you can take a picture of it and be redirected to an online version of the poster and my CV.

I was pretty smug about this until I got home and checked the google analytics.  Two people accessed the link - and one was a coworker who didn't so much care about the poster as enjoyed the technology.  Oh well, at least once everyone else starts using them, I can say "oh yeah, I had a qr code on my poster in 2011."

My undergraduate advisor, Michael Crawford (right), was awarded the Boas Award for Distinguished Achievement from the Human Biology Association. 

We had a "family dinner" with a great many of his former students in addition to the official reception.  Dr. Crawford pointed out that he has outlived several students, seen others retire, and is still accepting new students.  He is a force to be reckoned with and I'm honored to be among his "intellectual children."

For the second year in a row, my birthday fell during the conference so I got to spend it with my Penn State and KU friends!!!

I volunteered to judge the student awards presentation for the American Association of Anthropological Genetics and spent a lot of time tracking people down for a project that I'm working on (more in a couple months).  I also heard some really great presentations (including a potentially paradigm-breaking one from my friend Holly) so the academic/professional aspects of the conference went really well.  But honestly, what I always remember once the conference is over is the dinners catching up with friends.

All too quickly, it was Saturday afternoon and time to leave too cold Minneapolis for much, much to hot San Antonio.

At the airport, I picked up some Minnesota blueberry gummy bears for Geoff and this guy - perhaps the tackiest magnet in a pretty spectacularly tacky collection.

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