
Saturday, May 28, 2011

60 minute Purse

I'm utterly in love with my new purse.  I have an over-sized purse made from an old corduroy jacket that is great for hauling around my knitting, reusable bags, phone, purse, planner, and everything else I seem to "need."  For everyday use, though, it is just too big and I can never find anything in it.

Action Shot!
I have had this free pattern from Made by Rae for quite a while now and I bought the adorable Japanese umbrella print fabric about six months ago for a project that never materialized.  So this bag came together using only things I already had on hand!

The purse is just the right size for my basic necessities and too small to lose things in.  But to keep it organized, I went ahead and made pockets custom fit to a pen and my cell phone as well as another pocket for my camera and a notepad or whatever else I need that day.

This purse was quick and easy to put together in just one night and requires only one fat-quarter of fabric to make.  Although I made mine with quilting fabric and light iron-on interfacing, I would recommend either a decor-weight fabric or a stiffer interfacing.

Have you made anything fun lately?  Link to it in the comments, I would love to see it!


  1. This is fantastic! I've been looking for a simple project to do to get me back in the habit of sewing. This may be it!!! Love it!

  2. It is a really fun pattern and so simple in shape you could use a really wild print.
