
Thursday, May 3, 2012

May the Cookie Be with You

Last year I learned that May 4th is Star Wars Day only that very day so I was determined to make the most of it this year (and give you a head's up).  The Christmas before last, I got these adorable cookie cutters in my stocking and I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to make some cookies.  I scaled down my original plan of 4 flavors of cookies (lemon storm troopers and almond boba fetts got the axe). down to two - vanilla Yoda (recipe from the Lovely Cupboard) and chocolate Darth Vader (from Bake at 350, my cookie guru). Having tasted both, I definitely see the appeal of the dark side.

I baked a half-batch of each recipe and added a few drops of green and just a bit of blue to the Yoda dough.  Although the cocoa makes a fairly dark dough, you'll also need to add a few drops of black to the chocolate dough to get the proper Darth Vader color.  The cookie cutters are a little finicky. If you don't flour your cutter before each and every impression, you will end up with deformed characters and lose ten minutes of your life picking dough out of the crevices of the cookie cutter with a toothpick.  But most of mine came out nicely and the fun impressions means there is no decorating once they are out of the oven!

The vanilla cookie recipe is meant to be sandwich cookies and I think some lemon curd would really make this cookie. Oooooooh, and Darth Vader ice cream sandwiches!  You can cut out the cookies without imprinting them to make a smooth reverse ...I know what I'll be doing next year.  But for now, 

May the 4th be with You.

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