
Monday, July 12, 2010

The Yarn Stash

I mentioned recently that one of my goals for this year is to use up all of my yarn.  That may not sound like a big deal to most of you (although those of you who knit – or live with me – know how quickly it piles up), but it turns out I have about 15 pounds of yarn.  How do I know that?  I weighed it all during the World Cup final.

I realized that the only way I could use up the yarn was to figure out what I had.  Since the majority of my yarn is partial skeins left-over from other projects and I wanted to know how much yardage I had, I figured the best way was to weigh it.  Each skein lists both the total weight and the total yardage so it is a simple ratio to figure out how many yards I have.  I made this table of the yarn, weight, color, and yardage in Excel by the end of the first half.

During the second half, I compared my “to knit” list to the yardage I have and came up with a plan.  I love OneNote which came with my Microsoft Office package for this sort of thing.  I have a page with small pictures and links to each pattern.  Now that I have a plan, all I have to do is knit my way through each of these 20 or so projects (ha!).

So you can track my progress, I added my yarn stash to the sidebar at right.  I’ll cross off yarn as I knit it up – but don’t expect to see anything done before I defend on August 4th!

Oh, and congrats to Spain - that was a beautiful goal!  I was cheering for the Oranje, but only because I wanted tiny new Oranje fan Penny to get to see her team win when she was 10 days old.  Spain played a great game.


  1. Can I be the first to say, 'You have really proved your nerdiness with this post".

  2. I am disappointed that there is no DNA scarf on that list.

  3. That's because I already have one! My mom found the pattern online and taught me to cable by knitting it. Also, I seem to recall her finishing it after I found a mistake many rows back, ripped out about two hours of work, and gave up.

  4. I only just found out about your blog and then ended up reading a ton of it (which is great entertainment while dealing with a baby who is not willing to sleep much at night yet). I then noticed your paragraph mentioning Penelope, how sweet of you!

    Hope all is well with you guys!
    Rob (and Rachel + 2)
